So hält man sich die Fickstücke Zuhause. Nackt, Halsband und eine ordentliche harte Handschrift. Die würde ich mir gerne mal gönnen und zurecht ficken. Dreckshure, geile Sau
If you see her out and about, you may look at her and see her good looks and high class manner and think she’s all that. Mental scars can sometimes be well hidden, if your life intersects with a girl like this, it is pure magic. One of my assistance , like 15 years ago was exactly like her. Her dad did her wrong, lucky for me. Messed up girl on the inside, perfection on the exterior. They are literally in a mental prison detached from reality. There is a part of them, it’s like they know, they are filthy dirty animals. So you can strategically push them to do the nastiest things - it’s almost like a switch turns on when you are alone with them and ready to fuck. An obedience come through inside them where they do not want to disappoint you. Imagine in the ancient world of Rome and Greece, with a peasant girl with no rights with a noble man, he can literally do anything as they are literally in a prison and cannot literally escape. Same exact thing is true with these girls. You can literally do whatever floats your mind, and like an automaton they will continue to suffer and please you. You know you the devil but it’s almost like they think all this hurt is because I actually care about her. Amazing girls